Arvi & Victor

6.22.2025 • Bali, Indonesia
398 Days To Go!

Arvi & Victor

6.22.2025 • Bali, Indonesia
398 Days To Go!

Our Story

Love in Keramas

In the heart of Bali's tranquil Keramas, our love story unfolds—a tale woven by the threads of passion, adventure, and the serenity of nature.

Victor, a devoted surfing enthusiast and nature lover, discovered Keramas as the perfect blend of his two great loves. The waves whispered tales of excitement, and the lush surroundings painted a canvas of tranquility. In this idyllic haven, he dreamt of building a future filled with love.

Arvi, captivated by the wanderlust bug, found herself enamored by the vibrant culture and warm embrace of Bali during her travels. Bali became more than just a destination; it was a place where she felt the heartbeat of a love waiting to be discovered.

And so, in the magical embrace of Keramas, our paths intertwined. The rolling waves and the gentle rustle of palm leaves bore witness to the blooming of a love that transcends the ordinary. Keramas, with its surfing culture and meditative charm, became the natural choice for the next chapter of our journey.

Away from the hustle and bustle of busy Bali, we invite you to join us in celebrating our love amidst the rhythmic dance of the ocean and the serene landscapes of Keramas. Here, in the heart of paradise, our love story continues to unfold, and we can't wait to share this special day with you.